Leticia M. Palacios

Autor courses

Our instructor’s travel time is never deducted from the lesson. We guarantee to cover all phases of driving including expressway and all forms of parking.
There are never any extra charges for registration, make-up classes, or payment plan. When you have completed the class, and, as soon as you complete the behind-the-wheel lessons and observation if necessary, we will immediately certify you with the Secretary of State.
The students are required to do 30 hours of class. They may miss up to 4 sessions, all of which must be made up. Students can make up missed classes by attending the same class missed the following month.
We also have programs for those teens that need to take only the behind-the-wheel or class.

The school offers the following services for Teenage first-time drivers, new
adult learners and existing drivers with lapsed licenses.

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